Editorial Policy

Nutrition & Ingredients is committed to creating and delivering high-quality, accurate content that our audience can trust to be researched, reviewed, and updated with the latest information. Our writers, editors, and contributors are committed to this value proposition and together we aim to deliver useful, insightful, and helpful data and information for our readers.

Each article has a Published date that indicates when the post was originally published or modified for format and/or content. Given that we frequently review and update our data, most articles also include an Updated date, which indicates the most recent date when the piece was updated with new data, information, images, or with a fresh new format. Some articles include footnotes to provide reference to data sources, food and/or product image credits, or third-party resources.

We undergo periodic reviews of the content on this website to maintain the quality, accuracy, and integrity of the information we publish. We correct any factual errors in a timely manner. Please notify us of any potential errors by sending a message to info@nutritionandingredients.com with a link to the post that needs our attention.

Content on this website is not influenced by advertisers or sponsorships. Our writers, editors, and contributors are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.


Our editorial mission is to provide informative, easy-to-read, and accurate content for our audience. All content, images, tables, and other works on nutritionandingredients.com are independently produced by a human, not AI, and reviewed by our staff and, where appropriate, third-party experts. We prohibit infringement upon any copyright or intellectual property rights.

Food product images used in accordance with Fair Use provides readers with a point of reference to identify which menu item or product is under review in the article. Any food product image used on this site under Fair Use is part of an original design by Nutrition & Ingredients. We credit the source of the food product image directly under the published image and/or at the bottom of the post in a drop-down menu labeled Image Credit.

We expect all contributors to Nutrition & Ingredients to abide by all applicable laws and standards.


Our writers and editors adhere to a strict internal policy during the process of writing, publishing, and updating articles. We cite current and reputable sources, including government organizations, professional and academic institutions, and research studies.


Our writers and editors rely on information sourced from and/or received directly from restaurants and food producers, including information that has been made publicly-available through online channels or printed on product packaging. We also utilize reliable, trusted primary resources for descriptions and definitions of ingredients, nutrients, and allergens, among other content and check the accuracy by cross-referencing the information with multiple sources.

Our mission as an information provider is to aggregate data and publish content in an original format that is easy for our readers to find, understand, and use.

We do not utilize a third-party software program to automatically publish nutrition facts on our site. We source data provided by fast food restaurants, quick service restaurants, and commercial food processors. They undergo a rigorous process of research and tests in order to publish nutrition facts labels based on requirements set by the FDA. As such, we do not re-verify or test the nutritional content of food. Rather, we rely on the nutrition facts provided by restaurants and commercial food processors.


Nutrition & Ingredients maintains a library of content and a database of prices, nutritional information, ingredients, and allergens. We routinely review and update the data and information, as needed, for completeness and accuracy. A date-stamp is included on all articles to indicate to users that the information was complete and accurate as of the date when the article was last updated. In the event that a menu item or packaged food item has been discontinued, a notice is published at the top of the article to inform and notify readers of the date the information was last confirmed and/or updated.

As part of our mission to support readers in their effort to easily find useful nutritional information, we may link to third party sites, news articles, and other resources. When the referenced site covers a distinct event in time, it is not included in our routine update process.


Restaurants and food processors may change their recipes or serving sizes without notice. While we check nutritional information, ingredients lists, and allergen statements published by restaurants and food processors on a regular basis, there may be instances when there is a gap in time between any change or update by the food provider and updates on nutritionandingredients.com. We check our email inboxes often for any errors, suggestions, and comments noticed by users of this informational website. If you believe we have published a factual error, please email us at info@nutritionandingredients.com. We will investigate and take appropriate steps to make any corrections or updates to the page or post in a timely manner.

In the event that a story, article, guide, or post is published with erroneous information, we will publish a correction as quickly as possible and include a statement within the article that clarifies what was updated and why.

Use of AI

We do not accept any content of any kind that has been written or created by AI. No paragraphs, articles, images, tables, infographics, charts, lists, videos, or slideshows published on nutritionandingredients.com have been written or created by AI. All paragraphs, articles, images, tables, infographics, charts, lists, videos, and slideshows published on this website (including this page) was written by a human.

Moreover, unlike many other websites that publish nutrition facts, we do not employ AI or utilize a software program or service to automatically generate tables or summaries of nutrition facts, lists of ingredients and allergens, or other data tables published on this website. A human member of our staff sources raw data from the restaurant or food producer, conducts research, creates tables, charts, and lists, writes the article, and reviews the piece. Likewise, no AI is used as part of our periodic review and update process.

Affiliate Partnerships and Transparency

When a user of nutritionandingredients.com clicks on an affiliate link within our content, Nutrition & Ingredients may receive a commission in connection to any qualified purchases. There is no additional cost incurred by the user. A notice is published at the top of any article, post, or guide on nutritionandingredients.com that contains an affiliate link.

Any Sponsored Content is labeled accordingly to clearly indicate that an article has been provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor.

To learn more, please read our Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure.

Product and Service Reviews

Food, product, and service reviews reflect the personal, independent opinion of the author after thorough research and unbiased testing.

We do not publish product and/or service reviews sponsored by a third-party for which we receive any commission.