We believe the more you know, the easier it is to make informed decisions about food choices for yourself and your family. This is where you can learn more about what’s in the snacks you eat.

We aggregate and publish calories, nutrition facts, allergens and ingredients in popular packaged food items. Our aim is to share wheat we learn, present easy-to-read tables with comprehensive write ups, and help you learn more about what’s in the food you eat.

Packaged Snacks: Nutrition Facts Summary

Select from the list of popular snack items below to learn more about the calories, nutrition facts, allergens, and ingredients in popular packaged food snacks, including crackers, chips and dips, pretzels, cookies, and other items.

The Snack Food Industry

The U.S. confectionery and snack food industry is a nearly $300 billion market. On a global basis, the market is estimated to exceed $1.6 Trillion. Comprised of many well known brands such as Nabisco, Tostitos, General Mills, and Pepperidge Farm, the market includes sweet, savory, and salty foods such as chocolate, ice cream, preserved pastry goods, cookies, crackers, and chips, among others.

Why Do People Snack?

The most common reasons people snack are because of boredom, stress, or other emotional shifts, as well as not eating enough at regular mealtimes, socializing norms, and the convenience of simply opening a package of food to eat. Lunch is most often the meal that is skipped due to snacking.